"In 1789, Benjamin Franklin wrote, "...in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except
death and taxes."
And while death is certain, the public has expressed great interest in death investigation as demonstrated by the popularity of many television shows such as "NCIS", the "CSI" series, "48 Hours" and "Bones" to name just a few.Lora Thomas, the Douglas County Coroner from 2011-2015, initiated a series of informative public presentations called, "The Truth Uncovered: A Night with the Coroner" to explain to a curious public what the coroner actually did. During her four years in Office, Coroner Thomas hosted seventeen different events that introduced the work of forensic pathologists, coroner investigators, homicide investigators, coroners and toxicologists to the audience. These events often drew crowds of two hundred!Suicide, one of five manners of death that appears on a death certificate, was talked about at each event. Prevention efforts as well as the risk factors and groups at risk were explained. Very generous guests at the events made donations for suicide preventions efforts in Douglas County, and over $4300 was raised!
A non-profit corporation named, "A Night with the Coroner" has been formed to continue educating the public about the important work of the Coroner. Lora Thomas is also available for presentations in classrooms and other public forums to talk about the responsibilities of the Coroner and suicide prevention. As a retired Major with the Colorado State Patrol, Lora is able to speak about law enforcement as well.
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